Chapter 50 Sri Suktam: Verse 11 – 15

Verses 11-12
अनुग्रहाय लोकानां स्थितौ स्वः परया श्रिया।
कदाचित्कृपयाविष्टौ जीवानां हितकाम्यया ।। 11 ।।

सुखिनः स्युरिमे जीवाः प्राप्नुयुर्नौ कथं न्विति।
उपायान्वेषणायत्तौ परमेण समाधिना ।। 12 ।।

वहाँ हम लोग समस्त लोक के अनुग्रह के लिए अपनी परमश्री के साथ निवास करते हैं | किसी समय कृपाविष्ट होकर जीवों का हित करने के लिए ये जीव किस प्रकार सुखी हो जावें तथा हम लोगों को प्राप्त कर लेवें – इस विचार से अत्यंत समाहित चित्त होकर उपाय के अन्वेषण में तत्पर हो गए | 

To be merciful towards the world and benefit living beings, both of us, the ultimate parents of the world, dwelling in infinite space with divine majesty, have this focused thought – “How can these living beings become happy and be united with us?” We searched for a solution with concentration.

Verses 13-14
मथ्नीवः स्मातिगम्भीरं शब्दब्रह्ममहोदधिम्।
मथ्यमानात्ततस्तस्मात् सामर्ग्यजुषसंकुलात् ।। 13 ।।
तत् सूक्तमिथुनं दिव्यं दध्नो घृतमिवोत्थितम्।
अनाहतमसंदिग्धमनस्पष्टमनश्वरम् ।। 14 ।।

mathnīvaḥ smātigambhīraṃ śabdabrahmamahodadhim|
mathyamānāttatastasmāt sāmargyajuṣasaṃkulāt || 13 ||
tat sūktamithunaṃ divyaṃ dadhno ghṛtamivotthitam|
anāhatamasaṃdigdhamanaspaṣṭamanaśvaram || 14 ||

तब शब्दब्रह्मरूप महासमुद्र का, जो अत्यंत गम्भीर है, उसका मंथन करने लगे | तदन्तर सोम, ऋक , यजुः समुदाय स्वरूप उस शब्द महादधि के मन्थन से जिस प्रकार दही से घृत निकलता है, उसी प्रकार उससे दिव्य सूक्त मिथुन (पुरुषसूक्त एवं श्रीसूक्त ) की उत्पत्ति हुई जो अनाहत असंदिग्ध अत्यंत स्पष्ट तथा अनश्वर थे || 

While searching for a solution in profound concentration, we churned as if it were the vast, deep ocean of Sabda-Brahman. When churned out of that Sabda-Brahman containing Rg, Saman and Yajus emerged the divine twin suktas, in the same way as butter comes out of churned thick milk. Here the twin suktas refers to Purusha Suktam and Sri Suktam.


Sound is the first manifestation of the Supreme. That is why Brahman is known as Sabda Brahman, the highest, eternal and only true reality of sound.

The very existence of sound entails the presence of movement (spanda). There can not be any sound without motion/movement. Spanda is the property of Saguna Brahman

From Sabda Brahman, the Sri Suktam and Purush Suktam emerged, just like the vedas emerged out of Sabda Brahman.  This highlights the importance of these Suktam

There are primarily three Vedic (let’s call them) chanting styles viz. Rik, Yajus and Saman.

  1. The Rik is defined as: when there is a division into ‘pada’ –
  2. The Saman is defined as: when a mantra is set to music and sung.
  3. The Yajus is the residuary one, defined as that which is neither Rik nor Sama.

Verse 15
आद्योस्तथान्तयोः शश्वदन्योन्याक्षरमिश्रितम् ।। १५ ।।
ādyostathāntayoḥ śaśvadanyonyākṣaramiśritam || 15 ||

वे सूक्त मिथुन सर्वेश्वर्य और सद्गुणों से संयुक्त थे |  उनके पद और अक्षर अत्यन्त स्पष्ट थे, दोनों आदि में तथा दोनों अन्त में निरन्तर एक दूसरे अक्षर मिले हुए थे | 

The pair of suktas is integral (anahata),unambiguous, clear undecaying containing all majesty and attributes and possessed of flawless syllables and words.  At the beginning and end these two possess identical letters which are imbued with Sakti and with the possessor of Sakti.*

*Perhaps the reference is made to the repetition of the letters ha and sa at the beginning and ended of both suktas which letters represent surya(sun) and soma(moon) and together make up the ajapa mantra, hamsa, or soham.e. Parmatman.

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